Friday, June 21, 2013

Turbo (2013) New Movie

 A freak accident might just help an everyday garden
 snail achieve his biggest dream: winning the Indy 500.

Turbo (2013) New Movie
                                                     3D Movie Download Free

Director: David Soren
Stars: Ryan Reynolds,  Paul Giamatti,  Maya Rudolph,  Samuel L. Jackson

While there's plenty going on behind the scenes at Dream Works Animation, 
creatively they've been running smoothly for the better part of the last decade 
and they're cranking out at least two worldwide hits per year. So it's easy for the 
studio to attract top-tier voice talent as they promote from within; in this case, 
storyboard vet David Soren ascends to the director's chair, and he's had a hand 
in the screenplay as well. Until we hear more, all we can picture is Cars with snails. 

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